If your thinking about buying a Philodo H8 Dual Motor Cargo Electric Bike.
You will be happily surprised as I was coming from a motorbike back round.
--Lets do the Good first.- Lightweight for an e bike. Well equipped if you need a strong do all versatile E bike. Long range batterie at time of testing ( still new ). Strong E motors x2. Large tyres with front suspension comfortable for long rides. Can be fitted with a top back box 30Lts from a motorbike on the back carry rail. Which will store all your equipment i.e. - PPE. bike lock helmet etc. and or carry a modest amount of shopping. The lights are strong and the rear has a brake light that works with bought brakes front and rear.
All Round Great E Bike 8/10. I would say buy one. 10 being the best.
--Lets do the Bad -- If your under 5 ft 7 inch. this is not the bike for you. I am 5'9 to 5'10
and I can only flat foot one leg when stopped. A surprising amount of assembly when it arrives in box. You will struggle putting it together if your not a hands on type of person.
The over bar gear selectors are cheap crap and hard to use. ( easy to get lost in the gears.) Not great on an E bike capable of 55km + .A higher quality underbar gear selector closer to the hand grip would be. Sooo much better, with the electronics moved closer to the middle of the bars as you only press buttons once or twice and are rolling throw the gears all the time. The gear selectors are NOT Shimano SIS as advertised , But cheap nock off crap, not great on a E bike worth so much money. ?
This is a textile part of the E bike ( hands on / feel ) I would think more attention would be given to it. Front set needs a bigger cog, so to keep up with the motors.
You can replace the gears with real Shimano sis and underbar selectors ( moved closer to the grips ) This would be a night and day difference to the enjoyment of riding the E bike and over all safety of riding it. ( at your own cost? ) again expensive e bike.
This really can ruin the enjoyment of the ride in stop go traffic. The gear selectors front and back have not been adjusted correctly and are skipping or rubbing the chain. This will lead to replace the chain a lot sooner than needed and ware out the s