How Do Electric Bikes Work?


Electric bikes are a fascinating evolution that has changed the meaning of bike riding altogether. Outfitted with cutting-edge gears and equipment, they have transformed bike riding from a hectic workout to a luxury. That is why their sales and popularity have increased exponentially over the past few years.

In our blog post, we have explained how electric bikes are different from traditional bikes in terms of their components and function. We have also explained how different components come together harmoniously to make an electric bike work.

How are Electric Bikes Different from Traditional Bikes?

Although electric bikes are similar to traditional bikes in terms of shape and working principle, they differ from traditional bikes in many aspects. Electric bikes are outfitted with electrical components to assist you during your rides and provide a smooth and less hectic riding experience.

There are some of the components that differentiate e-bikes and traditional bikes which we have discussed below. Furthermore, electric bikes are divided into three classes based on their working and speed. These classes are also discussed below.

Components of an Electric Bike

Electric Motor: Either hub-based or axle-mounted to provide torque to assist you during your rides.

Battery: Either hidden inside the frame or mounted outside to provide essential electrical power.

Sensors: Fitted at different spots to sense torque, distance and how much power is used to pedal.

Display: Right in front of your eyes to provide essential information like battery power and speed.

Classes of Electric Bikes

Class 1: Equipped with pedal assist, these bikes can go over 30 km/hr.

Class 2: Equipped with a throttle system, these bikes can also go over 30 km/hr.

Class 3: Equipped with pedal assists, these bikes can reach up to 45 km/hr.


How Do Electric Bikes Work?

Now that we have a brief grasp on what electric bikes do let’s take a look at how they do it.

Working on an electric bike is not actually a complex process. Rather, it requires a few components to work harmoniously to provide a smooth riding experience. Here is how they work:

Torque Sensing: Electric bikes are equipped with torque sensors that can sense how much force you are putting into pedalling the bike to create torque.

Pedal Assist: Those sensors send the information to the motor, which then creates torque to match that produced by you to assist you during your rides. However, in pedal assist, the motor does not take over. Rather, it provides assistance to reduce force requirements.

Power Supply: A battery is mounted on the e-bike to provide the required electrical power for the motor, sensors and display screen to work.

Information Display: A screen is mounted on top of the handle that displays all the necessary information, which includes range, speed, distance, the selected mo
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