Hlavné body

750W bezuhlíkový motor so špičkovým výkonom 1000W
Zrýchlite rýchlo a svahovité cesty pomocou výkonného 750W motora (1000W špičkový výkon) a ľahko zvládne 10-stupňové svahy.
20*4,0 Fat Tyres
Pridajte ďalšiu stabilitu, bezpečnosť a sebadôveru pre jazdcov všetkých úrovní skúseností na ceste aj v teréne v podmienkach s premenlivou trakciou.
Systémy dvojitého tlmenia
Systémy dvojitých tlmičov siahajú od predného hydraulického tlmiča k zadnému vzduchovému tlmiču. 2-krát silnejšie tlmenie nárazov ako bežné bicykle.
Popredný dobrodružný dizajn
E-bike ENGWE inšpirovaný rybou evolúciou lietajúceho efektívneho dizajnu a technológie zvýšenia rýchlosti.
Dvojité kotúčové brzdy
Predné a zadné kolesá sú vybavené dvojitým kotúčovým brzdovým systémom s rýchlym odvodom tepla, ktorý zaisťuje plynulé brzdenie a bezpečné brzdné situácie.
7-rýchlostné prevody Shimano
Radenie zabezpečuje 7-rýchlostná prehadzovačka Shimano, ktorá zaisťuje spoľahlivé a presné radenie. Rýchlosť Dá sa ľahko uzamknúť na 28-30
Ľahký rám z hliníkovej zliatiny
M20 je vyrobený z ľahká hliníková zliatina, celý bicykel je o 40 % ľahší ako bicykle s vysokým obsahom uhlíkovej ocele.


Všeobecné Značka: ENGWE
Typ: Elektrobicykel
Model: M20
Farba: Biela
Špecifikácia Materiál: hliníková zliatina 6061
Veľkosť: 20 x 4,0 palca
Motor: 750W Bezuhlíkový motor
Krútiaci moment: 55 N.m
Bateria: 48V13Ah lítium-iónová batéria
Max Rýchl. t26>Dá sa ľahko uzamknúť na 28 – 30(Skutočná rýchlosť sa bude líšiť v závislosti od hmotnosti jazdca a stavu vozovky)
Maximálny dojazd: 34 míľ na elektrický pohon režim 1 a 46 míľ v režime PAS 1
Čas nabíjania: približne 5H
Maximálny stupeň stúpania: 10 stupňov
Brzda: 160 mm Predný a zadný kotúč Brzda stroja
Prevodový systém: Shimano 7 prevodov
Maximálne zaťaženie: 264,55 libier (120 kg)
Výška odporúčaného jazdca: 5,0~6,8 (ft) alebo 155-210 (cm)
Hmotnosť a veľkosť Hmotnosť produktu: 34,8 kg
Hmotnosť balenia: 40,5 kg
Veľkosť produktu: 167 x 114 x 68 cm
Veľkosť balenia (D x Š x V): 140 x 32 x 85 cm
Obsah balenia 1 x elektrický bicykel
1 x nabíjačka
1 x náradie
1 x používateľská príručka

Customer Reviews

Based on 128 reviews
Jamie Stewart
Engwe EP PRO+2

I received the E Bike today. I'm so happy. I haven't opened it yet. But from the last engwe pro 2 I bought and sold to up grade to engwe L20. I'm back to my first purchase model. No I'm the proud owner of 2 beasts of electric bikes. Thank you Pogo cylyles for yer great service.

Engwe x26

Super bike. Cheap price.

Rose O'Mahony-Murphy
Delighted with purchase

I love this bike so far. I only have one month. I live 6km from a town and this bike is a game changer. Quick delivery, easy assembly, working well and very happy with purchase and price.

hi rose by mistake you gave us one star

Vincent Duffy
Engwee T14

Great little runaround.A bit small for me at 6ft to use pedal assisted .Motor is powerful at 250 watt makes it street legal.Ce certified:14 Working days from payment to delivery.
A little heavy but we'll built..Great little buzzer.!!

Md Sajib Pramanic
Brought a engwe bike charger

I bought a charger using an express delivery method and it took 13 business days to get the product. The product was good, I hope you will improve your delivery services. Thank you.

🚚 Shipping - Free shipping on all orders to anywhere in Ireland and Europe. 7-15 business days delivery time.
💝 Return & Refund Guarantee - 30 Days Hassle Free Returns & 12 Months Warranty. Please refer to t&C .
📞 Customer Support - Please email us at support@pogocycles.com. Our support team will reply within 8 hours.

*Accesories shown in the pictures may be optional or available to buy seperately
*All bikes are water resistant. For extra protection, do cover your screens with plastic sheet to avoid water ingress when driving in rain

After brexit most items come with 2 pin plug as UK stock can't be shipped to Ireland anymore . We try to send adapter but sometimes it doesn't come. We will reimburse upto 5 euros for the same.

*Product specifications like battery are directly mentioned by manufacturers and they are under optimum test conditions, they may vary with external factors like weight ,speed, wind and road conditions

Law:- Its completely legal to buy, sell and own an e-scooter in Ireland. At the moment, privately-owned electric scooters are illegal to use on the public highway in Ireland & the UK. However they can be ridden on private land.Check local country laws before purchase

Customer Reviews

Based on 128 reviews
Jamie Stewart
Engwe EP PRO+2

I received the E Bike today. I'm so happy. I haven't opened it yet. But from the last engwe pro 2 I bought and sold to up grade to engwe L20. I'm back to my first purchase model. No I'm the proud owner of 2 beasts of electric bikes. Thank you Pogo cylyles for yer great service.

Engwe x26

Super bike. Cheap price.

Rose O'Mahony-Murphy
Delighted with purchase

I love this bike so far. I only have one month. I live 6km from a town and this bike is a game changer. Quick delivery, easy assembly, working well and very happy with purchase and price.

hi rose by mistake you gave us one star

Vincent Duffy
Engwee T14

Great little runaround.A bit small for me at 6ft to use pedal assisted .Motor is powerful at 250 watt makes it street legal.Ce certified:14 Working days from payment to delivery.
A little heavy but we'll built..Great little buzzer.!!

Md Sajib Pramanic
Brought a engwe bike charger

I bought a charger using an express delivery method and it took 13 business days to get the product. The product was good, I hope you will improve your delivery services. Thank you.

Customer Reviews

Based on 128 reviews
Jamie Stewart
Engwe EP PRO+2

I received the E Bike today. I'm so happy. I haven't opened it yet. But from the last engwe pro 2 I bought and sold to up grade to engwe L20. I'm back to my first purchase model. No I'm the proud owner of 2 beasts of electric bikes. Thank you Pogo cylyles for yer great service.

Engwe x26

Super bike. Cheap price.

Rose O'Mahony-Murphy
Delighted with purchase

I love this bike so far. I only have one month. I live 6km from a town and this bike is a game changer. Quick delivery, easy assembly, working well and very happy with purchase and price.

hi rose by mistake you gave us one star

Vincent Duffy
Engwee T14

Great little runaround.A bit small for me at 6ft to use pedal assisted .Motor is powerful at 250 watt makes it street legal.Ce certified:14 Working days from payment to delivery.
A little heavy but we'll built..Great little buzzer.!!

Md Sajib Pramanic
Brought a engwe bike charger

I bought a charger using an express delivery method and it took 13 business days to get the product. The product was good, I hope you will improve your delivery services. Thank you.

Customer Reviews

Based on 128 reviews
Jamie Stewart
Engwe EP PRO+2

I received the E Bike today. I'm so happy. I haven't opened it yet. But from the last engwe pro 2 I bought and sold to up grade to engwe L20. I'm back to my first purchase model. No I'm the proud owner of 2 beasts of electric bikes. Thank you Pogo cylyles for yer great service.

Engwe x26

Super bike. Cheap price.

Rose O'Mahony-Murphy
Delighted with purchase

I love this bike so far. I only have one month. I live 6km from a town and this bike is a game changer. Quick delivery, easy assembly, working well and very happy with purchase and price.

hi rose by mistake you gave us one star

Vincent Duffy
Engwee T14

Great little runaround.A bit small for me at 6ft to use pedal assisted .Motor is powerful at 250 watt makes it street legal.Ce certified:14 Working days from payment to delivery.
A little heavy but we'll built..Great little buzzer.!!

Md Sajib Pramanic
Brought a engwe bike charger

I bought a charger using an express delivery method and it took 13 business days to get the product. The product was good, I hope you will improve your delivery services. Thank you.

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