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Elektrický horský bicykel SAMEBIKE RS-A08 Fat Tire

Elektrický horský bicykel SAMEBIKE RS-A08 Fat Tire

Regular price €1,649.00EUR
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Elektrický horský bicykel SAMEBIKE RS-A08 Fat Tire

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Multifunkčný displej glukomera

Vylepšite svoju cyklistickú hru o e-bike, ktorý sa môže pochváliť užívateľsky prívetivým LCD displejom. Jednoducho zapnite/vypnite bicykel a sledujte svoju rýchlosť, úroveň podpory pedálov a výdrž batérie na jednom praktickom mieste. LCD obrazovka namontovaná na riadidlách zaisťuje, že budete mať vždy prehľad o svojich jazdných štatistikách.

750W bezuhlíkový motor

Pripravte sa na vzrušujúcu jazdu s naším 750W bezkomutátorovým motorom, ktorý poskytuje maximálnu rýchlosť až 45 km/h, ideálny na uspokojenie vašich radostných potrieb pri jazde v divočine. S maximálnym sklonom 30° ľahko zdoláte strmé kopce a nerovný terén, vďaka čomu je ideálnou voľbou pre outdoorové dobrodružstvá. Náš vysokovýkonný motor poskytuje plynulý výkon bez námahy, takže sa môžete sústrediť na radosť z jazdy. Či už skúmate nové chodníky alebo vyrážate na otvorené cesty, náš elektrický bicykel vám určite prinesie nezabudnuteľný zážitok.

Lítium-iónová 48V 17AH batéria

Posuňte svoj elektrický bicykel na vyššiu úroveň s našou LÍTIUM-IONOVOU 48V 17AH BATÉRIOU. Vďaka svojej veľkokapacitnej konštrukcii poskytuje táto batéria dlhotrvajúcu energiu pre dlhší čas jazdy a maximálne pokrytie vzdialenosti. Naša batéria je tiež vodotesná, čo zaisťuje spoľahlivý výkon za akýchkoľvek poveternostných podmienok. Vysokovýkonný dizajn poskytuje výnimočnú silu a efektivitu a zakaždým poskytuje hladkú jazdu bez námahy. S maximálnym dojazdom 65 – 100 míľ v režime PAS MODE môžete ísť ďalej a s istotou preskúmať viac.

piestové hydraulické kotúčové brzdy

Zažite dokonalé ovládanie a bezpečnosť s naším elektrobicyklom RS-A08 vybaveným 2-piestovými hydraulickými kotúčovými brzdami. Náš pokročilý brzdový systém je rozhodujúci pre efektívne zastavenie pri vyšších rýchlostiach a poskytuje spoľahlivý a efektívny výkon na všetkých terénoch. Či už prechádzate mestskými ulicami alebo zdolávate drsné chodníky, naše brzdy poskytujú bezkonkurenčnú kontrolu a brzdnú silu, čím zaisťujú vždy bezpečnú a pohodlnú jazdu.

26" x 4.0" pneumatiky Kenda Fat

Naša 26"X 4.0" pneumatiky Kenda Fat ponúkajú maximálny výkon a prispôsobivosť. Tieto pneumatiky sú ideálne na snehové cesty, plážové cesty, rovné cesty a štrkové cesty, pretože sú vyrobené tak, aby zvládli akýkoľvek terén.


1 x elektrický mopedový bicykel
1x batéria
1 x nabíjačka
1 x súprava náradia
1 x používateľská príručka

je z 90 % predmontovaný keď ho dostanete.

Všetky elektrické bicykle SAMEBIKE sa dodávajú s celou sadou náradia, ktoré vám pomôže ľahko a rýchlo postaviť bicykel.



🚚 Shipping - Free shipping on all orders to anywhere in Ireland and Europe. 7-15 business days delivery time. 
💝 Return & Refund Guarantee - 30 Days Hassle Free Returns & 12 Months Warranty. Please refer to t&C . 
📞 Customer Support - Please email us at Our support team will reply within 8 hours.

*Accesories shown in the pictures may be optional or available to buy seperately

*All bikes are water resistant. For extra protection, do cover your screens with plastic sheet to avoid water ingress when driving in rain

After brexit most items come with 2 pin plug as UK stock can't be shipped to Ireland anymore . We try to send adapter but sometimes it doesn't come. We will reimburse upto 5 euros for the same.

*Product specifications like battery are directly mentioned by manufacturers and they are under optimum test conditions, they may vary with external factors like weight ,speed, wind and road conditions 

Law:- Its completely legal to buy, sell and own an e-scooter in Ireland. At the moment, privately-owned electric scooters are illegal to use on the public highway in Ireland & the UK. However they can be ridden on private land.Check local country laws before purchase 

Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
This morning, riding the Samebike SY26 electric bicycle left me in awe

This morning, riding the Samebike SY26 electric bicycle left me in awe, as if I had entered a realm of wonder, experiencing an unprecedented journey akin to a dream. In this brief ride, my mind felt ignited, experiencing a profound mental impact akin to a lightning bolt.

In the presence of the Samebike SY26 electric bicycle masterpiece, I felt like an explorer stepping into a futuristic world. The effortless riding sensation of the electric bicycle made me feel as if I had the power to fly, with the open city roads resembling the vast sky, not only exhilarating me but also filling me with anticipation for the unknown. Just as I was getting accustomed to this entirely new riding experience, the intelligent features of the electric bicycle propelled me into a world filled with mysteries, completely captivating and enchanting me.

The Samebike SY26 electric bicycle, with its dazzling array of features, left me deeply impressed, yet my mind struggled to comprehend its many mysteries. A flood of information and experiences rushed into my consciousness like a tidal wave, leaving me both excited and unsettled, surprised yet fulfilled, a feeling of transcendent experience that perhaps only a future world from science fiction could provide.

Hermann Hesse's "Siddhartha" once made me ponder the essence of life and the meaning of self-discovery, but the remarkable Samebike SY26 electric bicycle allowed me to appreciate the fusion of technology and humanity, showing me an unprecedented way of travel, revealing that what I thought was freedom had even more possibilities.

Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" once made me feel the absurdity and plight of human nature, but the remarkable Samebike SY26 electric bicycle showed me the boundless possibilities of technological civilization. Its existence itself is a declaration of the future, and perhaps it is this innovative breakthrough that gives us the power to redefine the future.

And SAMEBIKE, the creator of this masterpiece, with its creativity, wisdom, and quality, has transcended human limitations in my eyes. It has surpassed the boundaries of human imagination, reaching a realm that transcends time and space, like a bridge to the future, allowing us to experience the perfect integration of technology and humanity.

The meaning of life, the future of technology, and the fate of humanity are being defined by the Samebike SY26 electric bicycle, and only by riding it can one truly feel this unprecedented freedom and joy. If someone were to describe this electric bicycle as "one of the greatest transportation tools in human history," I would deeply appreciate it. Because this person's understanding of it goes beyond its superficial splendor, they can appreciate the deeper meaning it holds and respect the power of innovation and technology. And for those who truly feel its charm, they will unanimously praise this vehicle's excellence: it is one of the best transportation tools out there!

Titiriga Alex
M20 same bike

Bike was delivered fast, was packed in perfect condition , very easy to assemble, the bike is a monster on the road, defenitly recomend the bike.

joe squash
samebike my-sm 26

do not buy one battery only lasts for a year i must used my one about 10 times and charge the battery up 2 times battery is no good now useless battery

yes sir battery generalyy lasts for that duration only. battery can be bought new

Amy Cassidy

Love it so so much u can change the speed to go faster and charge Ur phone while on the way to somewhere it's changed my life


Very good service